Stay Active(ish) With the J.Crew Tech Pants

Work is crazy. You’ve spent hours preparing for a big pitch meeting. If you win this deal, you’ll be the office hero! You gave up your weekend to get ready. You literally haven’t done that since college, and most weekends in college were reserved for extracurriculars if we’re being truly honest. Now is your time. You are the man. All you need to do is print the presentation and then you’ll be all set.

But the printer is out of paper! Nooo! You sprint down the hallway as fast as you can, but the meeting’s about to start. There isn’t much time left. You make it, dude. You did it. And you have your new J.Crew Tech Pants to thank for that. Their breathable fabric lets you move swiftly and their versatile design allows you to look like the boss that you are. Way to go, man. Way to be active(ish).

Published at Wed, 03 Apr 2019 00:46:34 +0000