Behold, Three Minutes Of David Saying, “Oh My GOD”

Remember last week when I said that I could listen to David Rose of Schitt’s Creek saying, “Oh my god,” in disgust all day long?

Well, apparently some wishes can be granted. To pair beautifully with the video compilation of Alexis yelling, “DAVID!” another Schitt’s superfan (and gift to all humankind, honestly) has spliced together a video of all the times that David expresses his utter disgust, shock, mortification, existential dread, or any other emotion on his wide spectrum of stress into a perfect two minutes and forty seconds.

Well, okay, let’s be real. It’s definitely not all the times that David has said, “Oh my god,” because that would be at least an hour long on its own, and I’m not going to lie, I’d probably still watch all sixty minutes.

Now all we need is a compilation of Moira saying, “AH-LEX-USSS,” and Johnny just looking confused and we’ll have a complete set!

Published at Wed, 05 Feb 2020 00:54:46 +0000