‘Beer Yoga’ Is A Real Thing That Exists, Namaste

Although it’s impossible to predict exactly what the future holds, there are a couple things that are pretty much guaranteed to happen with each new year. First, we’re all going to make resolutions. Second, we’re all going to abandon those resolutions.

One of the most common goals we make for ourselves when January rolls around is hitting the gym more often, and that’s also one of the toughest things to stick with for more than a few months. Life gets in the way, gyms are far or expensive, and let’s be honest — working out sucks. Yeah, yeah, you get a rush of endorphins and you feel good afterward, but actually dragging your butt there and the entire process of exercising leave much to be desired. However, this year might be the year things change.

If you’re like everyone else on earth and struggle to hold fast to your New-Year-New-Me resolutions, look no further than Bieryoga.

That’s German for, uhh, BEER YOGA.

(Bet that was a shocking reveal)

Courtesy of Bieryoga

This unconventional practice combines the healing power of yoga for your mind and body with the healing power of beer for your spirit. Has there ever been a better way to stick to your exercise regimen?!


The company is based in Germany, which means that if you would like to partake in an official Bieryoga class you might have quite the journey to make — but that’s just part of the dedication to the yoga! Definitely the yoga! Not the fact that you get to knock back a few cold ones while you hang out in mountain pose! Nope, definitely just deep, deep dedication to yoga!

Courtesy of Bieryoga

The classes cost 10 Euro (just a little over 11 USD) plus the price of beer, which is still less than the price of a gym membership. Namaste!

You can find more information on Bieryoga on their website and Facebook page.

Published at Tue, 07 Jan 2020 23:20:47 +0000