This Woman Perfectly Portrays Literally Every Hollywood Stereotype

In honor of Women’s History Month which began today, let’s talk about women’s roles in film. Things are definitely moving in the right direction, more and more women are getting leading roles and making waves in the film world. However, the truth is the overwhelming majority of women in movies are cast into the same cliché roles and their characters aren’t written with much depth. This is an idea that one woman has had enough of, so she decided to explore it in a truly hilarious way.

Meet Natalie Walker.

Natalie is a performer, writer, and all around funny lady who put together a series of “audition” tapes for a myriad of cookie cutter women’s characters in a twitter thread. Each video is so spot on – she brilliantly summarizes these clichés in (usually) under one minute, and they’re as entertaining as they are eye-opening.

1. Lady who represents a rough past that Noble Male Hero is striving not to repeat

*heavy Boston accent* soonah or late-ah all your new friends ah gonna find out who you ah

2. Lady who is Unattainable (SPOILER: attainable!!!) Dream Girl of Nerdy Leading Man

[My] showed vague remembrance will galvanize you in your quest to win me, while reminding you that our interactions so monumental to you are mere blips on my social radar despite the fact that I seemingly speak to a maximum of two people other than you.

3. Lady who loves social mores and takes huge journey from Droll Bemusement to Vague Annoyance

You see I’m less of a character and more of a .gif delivery service for acerbic homosexuals so that they FEEL represented without BEING represented, you understand.

4. Lady who is married to The Great White Man who is solving racism forever all by himself

No no no no no you don’t say ONE. WORD. You listen to me, because I NEED this scene for my Best Supporting Actress “for your consideration” reel!

5. Intimidating Older Boss of one or more Symmetrical-Faced Persons

I’m seeing Arial Narrow on my desk, perplexing when you know we’re a Times New Roman office!

The entire thread is a GOLDMINE and so, so worth the watch and can be found here.

Natalie can be found on twitter and instagram

Published at Fri, 01 Mar 2019 23:19:34 +0000