This Beto O’Rourke “Attack Ad” Totally Slams His Skater Cred

Former Texas congressman and certified punk rock hottie Beto O’Rourke is the latest politician to announce that he’s throwing his hat in the ring for the 2020 presidential election. During last year’s senate race, the Texas GOP Twitter account posted a series of tweets trying to attack O’Rourke for everything from skateboarding and the fact he was in a punk band, to dredging up an old mugshot from his youth – which he had already addressed and apologized for.

And it backfired SPECTACULARLY

It turns out that pointing out how extremely cool and relatable and chill your opponent is, isn’t a good political tactic.

But now that he’s running for president, voters have a new, much more important question to think about.

We know that Beto skates, but is he even GOOD? Do we want a president who can simply get from A to B on a board, or do we want a leader who FUCKIN SHREDS? This is the kind of stuff people should be asking themselves, and former Funny Or Die writer Jon Millstein doesn’t think Beto has what it takes to be Thrasher in chief.

This attack ad definitely makes Beto’s abilities seem like, totally sketch. Luckily for him, he’s got a decent amount of time to hit the skate park and get his skills up to presidential level. Good luck, dude.

Published at Thu, 14 Mar 2019 21:20:55 +0000