These ‘Between Two Ferns’ Costumes Made Our Day

Well boils and ghouls, Halloween is finally here and the only thing scarier than this holiday is the fact we all have to pay rent tomorrow. But let’s push that thought out of our minds for now and get into the Halloween spirit by focusing on what’s most important: costumes. I know some of you are probably thinking, “but what about candy! Candy is just as important as costumes on Halloween!” And you’re right, but I can’t provide you any candy because this is an article that you’re reading through a screen right now and the technology just isn’t there yet, however I can provide pictures of cool costumes so that’s what’s happening.

As you know, Between Two Ferns: The Movie premiered on Netflix in September of this year. It was our first ever full-length feature, which is pretty goddamn cool, and we love it like it’s our own child. It seems like only yesterday it was a newborn web series, and suddenly there it was striding across the stage at its Netflix graduation ceremony. They grow so fast, don’t they? I promised myself I wasn’t gonna cry.

And one of the best parts about Between Two Ferns growing the way that it has, is getting to see all the neat ways people show their love for it. So this Halloween, we wanted to showcase some of our favorite costumes inspired by Between Two Ferns.

This jacket is spot-on

Marianna Bender

Loving this beautifully curled wig


Okay so this isn’t your typical costume but gnomes count too!

Holding the ferns in each hand all night is true commitment

This lady AND those plants are camera-ready

Deciding to go as a specific fern and the black background is a neat twist, we’re into it

Everybody really went all out for this one, and that is one glorious beard

Bonus points for the glossiest hair ever

Those ferns are just little seedlings!

This baby 100% nailed it, they even have the button and everything

Between two very, very good ferns


Everything about this is perfect. The beard, the backdrop, the loafers, the ferns are clearly well cared for, and they’re even on their STOOLS

We’re going to need until next Halloween to recover from how adorable this is

Published at Thu, 31 Oct 2019 20:59:14 +0000