The Bachelor Visits Chippendales

‘The Bachelor’ uses time travel to bring sexy back.

The Bachelor is notorious for having some pretty expensive incredible group dates, but this one defies the laws of physics. In this never-before-soon group date, Chris Harrison used time-travel to bring Peter and his dates an extremely sexy Chippendales performance featuring Chris Farley and Patrick Swayze. This may be the most dramatic (and scientifically groundbreaking) group date in Bachelor history.

The most recent finale of ‘The Bachelor’ was an emotional drama-filled roller coaster for its contestants: Pete Weber (aka Pilot Pete) broke off his engagement with Hannah Ann Sluss just to get hardcore roasted by Hannah Ann on national television while Pete’s Mom cheered it on (“If you want to be with a woman, you need to become a real man.” Nice one Hannah Ann. Game over Pete.).

Madison Prewett is back in the picture, but things are looking fairly bleak considering Barb has said the relationship is doomed to fail on live television (“He’s gonna have to fail to succeed!” Damn Barb. Tell us how you really feel.)

Maybe the only thing that could really fix this… is time travel.


Editor Ryan Coopersmith

Editor Charles Muzard

Producer booyapictures

Published at Wed, 11 Mar 2020 20:02:49 +0000