Online Shows And Events That Are Social Distancing Approved

As we all continue to practice social distancing, and as more and more restrictions are put into effect to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the pickle we’re all faced with now is what the heck to do with ourselves while stuck inside. Luckily, comedians and artists of all kinds have turned to the Internet and found a ton of cool ways to keep everyone at home entertained, keep at their craft, and still adhere to social distancing.

Stay At Home Fest

Check the event calendar on the Stay At Home Fest website for the dates and times of live-stream performances happening all over the world, including everything from live concerts, to interactive Schitt’s Creek trivia, to late-night talk shows.

Free Comedy Classes

Blind Tiger Comedy has cancelled all regular in-person classes and replaced them with FREE (or by donation) virtual classes on sketch, improv, dialogue, and more. Check out the schedule on their website and sign up!

Weird Stream-A-Thon

This 3-hour-long live-stream is a collection of conversations with artists and experts along will musical guest performances with the goal of keeping everyone well-informed, entertained, and enriched. The entire 3 hours is available for free, but if you would like to make a donation to What The Fund to help those impacted by COVID-19, it’s definitely encouraged.

Published at Thu, 19 Mar 2020 22:11:41 +0000