Larry David Is Going To Narrate A Children’s Audiobook

Books have been instrumental in raising children for hundreds of years. Not only is reading to your kid great for bonding and for their development, but making stories up on the fly is hard as shit, and reading a fun book with colorful pictures is a much more effective and entertaining way to teach lessons rather than sitting your toddler down and trying to explain the facts of life point-blank.

Depending on how old your child is (aka how much information they’ll actually retain), there are also a lot of books out there that are just as fun for adults to read as they are for kids. Like Uncle Shelby’s ABZ Book, featuring such pages as “L is for Lye”. It’s definitely not something you’d want your preschoolers repeating to their teachers, but in my opinion anything below 2 years old is fair game. They’re not making memories, it’s fine.

One of the most famous of these probably-more-for-adults children’s books is one I’m sure you’re all familiar with, called Go the F—k to Sleep.


This book that says what every parent feels at some point or another, and the only way that it was made better was when the audiobook was released — because the reader was Samuel L. Jackson.

If there’s one person who was born to tell kids across the world to “go the fuck to sleep”, it’s Samuel L. Jackson.

Now the author of Go the F— to Sleep, Adam Mansbach, is coming back with another delightfully apt and crude children’s book. It’s a book for parents who’ve welcomed their second child and need to explain the new baby to their first offspring, it’s going to be titled F—k, Now There Are Two of You —

— and it’s going to be narrated by LARRY DAVID.

I don’t know how many of you out there have ever thought, “I really wish Larry David was here to read my child a bedtime story,” but I’m sure you’re all thinking it now, and amazingly, this is a wild, wild dream that’s going to come true.

F—k, Now There Are Two of You is going to be available on October 1st, but you can pre-order it here. Be sure to play the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme in the background for maximum effect.

Published at Tue, 03 Sep 2019 21:56:20 +0000