Johnno and Michael Try Diversity

As Johnno and Michael were planning their next Johnno And Michael episode, their friend Ken points out a HUGE flaw: their series lacks diversity! OH NO.

At first, Johnno and Michael FREAK OUT and wallow in self-hatred. However, Ken reminds that though, yes – they did screw up by not being more inclusive sooner – BUT the problem is pretty easy to fix: all the boys gotta do is 1) become more culturally educated and 2) cast more diversely (see Hollywood – IT’S LITERALLY THAT EASY!!).

Will Ken be able to help Johnno and Michael be more culturally aware and inclusive? Well, probably not in one episode, but we gotta start somewhere!


Johnno: Johnno Wilson @johnnowilson

Michael: Michael Strassner @strasshola

Ken: Ken Kirby @mrkenkirby

Sandi: Sandi Mcree @sandimccree

Jon: Jon Ebeling @jonebeling


In this series, Johnno and Michael try things. The two aren’t always successful and (often) hilariously fail, but hey – at least they’re having fun!

Watch every episode of Johnno and Michael Try:

Published at Tue, 20 Oct 2020 16:00:00 +0000