Elon Musk Unveiled Tesla’s New Truck And It’s… Uh… Really Something
Six years ago, super genius, self-proclaimed meme-lord, and decidedly very weird dude Elon Musk first proposed the idea of creating a “supertruck”, and last night in Los Angeles it was finally unveiled to the world. Like the vast majority of Elon’s creations, this truck — Tesla’s first — is very, very impressive. First of all it’s called Cybertruck, which, like… fuck yeah. As for the actual stats of the electric vehicle, it goes from zero to 60mph in 2.9 seconds, WHAT, and the starting price is $40,000. There’s just one little thing.
It’s, uhh, ugly as sin.
It looks like a car from an early PlayStation racing game, or like it just hasn’t finished fully loading yet.
Oh, Elon also stated that Cybertruck is bulletproof, pretty much indestructible, and to prove it he had Franz vol Holzhausesn, head of Tesla design, throw a giant metal ball the windows — which then broke. Twice.
I think everyone’s reactions can be summarized by Elon’s own, which was, “Oh my fucking god.”
Cybertruck is an impressive step forward for electric vehicles in a lot of ways, respect where respect is due, but I mean… come on, we can’t just be expected to let the hilariously bad design and not-actually-bullet-proof-bullet-proof-glass slide.
I am the inventor of the Tesla Cyber Truck. I was inspired by the Star Fox levels where you had to go on land for some reason. Those levels were good to me.
— curating timeline in case Lorne reads it (@boring_as_heck) November 22, 2019
This Tesla looks like something from Goldeneye on N64, back before they could really make people look like people and cars like cars pic.twitter.com/qfjJP0DtT8
— Katherine Miller (@katherinemiller) November 22, 2019
Published at Fri, 22 Nov 2019 18:52:28 +0000