Behold The Cathartic Power Of Screaming In Rush Hour

Nothing triggers rage quite like traffic

That’s why we have screaming though.

At least other activities that “waste” time give something back to you. With video games, you get good hand-eye coordination practice or have to problem solve (not to mention exercise self-control to not shout at teenagers teabagging your recently deceased avatar corpse). With social media, you can shop, get a quick update from a friend, or hate follow your ex.

But sitting on your ass in traffic gives nothing back to you. It’s all take take take.

That’s where Alexander Greer comes in

The man, along with his GoPros, an iPhone and hand-held mic is here to bring some revelry to your rush hour commute. Bedecked in suit and tie — and a surprising willingness to put himself in harm’s way — the host of Funny Or Die’s The Traffic Show hops in your car during the 5:00 mess that is bumper to bumper traffic, and turns your car into a talk show studio.


Created, Produced, Directed, and Written by Alexander Greer and Joe Saunders
Production Assistant: Annie Mae Coleman

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Published at Mon, 23 Dec 2019 15:20:32 +0000